Style that seduces
Tasty tassled killer-heeled shoes, body-bragging body-con & relaxed fit cardi, magnificent maxi with a pump twist, disneyland meets villainous vamp, bun hair magnitizes stares, sinfully skinny jeans.
I can feel myself rapidly approaching a pinnacle point in my life, in fact, I feel I almost there already. Hitting twenty in the not too distant future, I feel the urge to dress more sophistacted and with a demure I did not posses until recently. I still want to be able to wear mini skirts yet when I wear them to be taken seriously at the same time. The models and celebrities in the pictures above, do the following wonderfully, so I'm taking note. The thin tightrope of earning respect for wearing wild, young thing outfits well or spiralling downstairs into the depths of yesteryears- wearing your clothes in a way which may have been acceptable at 16, however no longer. Well, it's pretty mind-boggling.
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