Nymphets Named And Proclaimed
Not only are they born painfully mesmerising creatures, even their names echo such an enimagtic and alluring air.
I know, I know, models come from far and wide across plains of the earths, so whilst their names sound exotic to us, it is more widely recognised in their homeland. Equally, I am aware that some models shall just have ordinary, popular names but it seems to me at least, flicking through the likes of Lula, i-D, LOVE, Dazed and Confused, the following: Candice Swanepoel, Yulia Terentieva, Magdalena Frackowiak, Constance Jablonski, Tatiana Lyadochkina, Madelene de la Motte and Karlie Kloss, all render me insignificant and cast me off as Bill Bloggs.
I'm aware that the perfection which dominates their faces, is what gives such names an enticing twist, names like Kate Moss prove that a being can transfer the ordinary into the extra-ordinary with a swish of fortunate genetic genes. The bottom line is, have one thing working in your favour and make everything else work for you. Emerald, emerald with envy is how I feel.